Here is the list of All videos of this Serie:
Link to The Full Playlist: • ROS For Beginers: Simulate Your Custo...
Intro 1: • Introduction to the series on Solidwo...
Intro 2:
• Introduction to series on SolidWorks ...
The full learning path for this series:
Lesson 1: Assemble the Robotic Arm Properly in SOLIDWORKS: • lesson 1: Assembly Guid for The Robot...
Lesson 2: Set the zero positions of th joints and set axis systems:
• Lesson 2: Positioning the joint to ze...
Lesson 3: Export the URDF file from SOLIDWORKS:
• lesson 3 : Exporting URDF file for RO...
Lesson 4: Send the Exported Package (URDF) to Linux and Create new Catkin Workspace:
• Lesson 4: Copy Robotic Arm Package cr...
Lesson 5: Add Your URDF Package to Catkin Workspace and add dependencies:
• Lesson 5: Adding URDF package to CAT...
Lesson 6: Modify the URDF file to make it suitable for Simulation:
• Lesson 6: Configure URDF File Generat...
Lesson 7: Create a JointTrajectoryController to control your robotic arm's joints:
• Lesson 7: Writing ROS Joint Trajector...
Lesson 8: Create a ".Launch" file to load your URDF and controllers in Gazebo:
• Lesson 8: Writing Launch File to Laun...
Lesson 9: Build the Catkin Workspace and launch the URDF for 1st time in Gazebo:
• Lesson 9: Building Catkin Workspace a...
Lesson 10: Create a Miveit Package to manipulate(Adding Motion) your robotic arm using "Moveit Setup Assistant":
• Lesson 10: Use Moveit Setup Assistant...
Lesson 11: Testing the Moveit Package by launching the default launch files:
• Lesson 11: Checking the Moveit Manipu...
Lesson 12: Replace the faulty ROS Controller YAML file with New ROS Controller file:
• Lesson 12: Create New ROS Controller ...
Lesson 13: Create a ".launch" file to load full simulation:
• Lesson 13: Create New Launch File to ...
Lesson 14: Launch the simulation and plan some motion:
• Lesson 14: Launching Final Moveit Man...
Lesson 15.1: Set the Predefined Position of Robotic Arm Using Python:
• Lesson 15.1 - Use Python Script to Mo...
Lesson 15.2: Configure the yhton File to set redefined postions:
• Lesson 15.2 - Configure the Python Fi...
Lesson 16: Print pose of end effector using python:
• Lesson 16: Print The End Effector Pos...
welcom ! Handel home
2025年2月16日 星期日
Introduction to the series on Solidworks to URDF conversion tutorial.
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